About /  Why New Life
Why New Life PDF Print E-mail
¨The traditional school setting is not meeting the needs of many of our youth. Statistics have shown that focusing more on the individual needs of the child increases their chances of achieving academic success and of becoming positive successful members of our community. This can be accomplished by placing these children in a smaller school setting, such as New Life Christian Academy.

Here at New Life students receive among many other services, instruction from dedicated teachers, tutoring, counselling and intervention, techniques for both students and parents on how to improve and retain lessons learned.  

"New Life" graduates have gone on to become teachers, entrepreneurs, military personnel and other productive members of our society.  Many students have graduated with honors, some graduated early and several have continued on to obtain academic scholarships to assist with the growing costs of college! A "New Life" indeed! 

It is the goal of New Life Christian Academy to meet the academic, as well as, spiritual needs of our students and families.


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