Academics /  High School & CP
High School & College Prep PDF Print E-mail

highschoolpicOur high school encompasses the 9th through 12th grades. Students are preparing to attend universities and are taking honors and university level course work. Students achieve a high level of moral, spiritual and social development. There is an emphasis on personal responsibility and leadership and independence is encouraged.

Talented teachers prepare students with the self-discipline, focus and the personal determination they need to excel at universities. Our small class sizes allow students to interact and receive personal attention from the faculty. High school students are offered honors courses as well as accelerated math program. The school has a small teacher-student ratio that ensures students maximize the learning experience and it allow for more individual attention. The small classroom setting reduces incidents and enables better classroom management for the instructor. NLCA&PS follows the North Carolina State requirements for a high school diploma.

Our High School programs are Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM



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