Student Life /  Student Safety/Conduct Policies
Student Safety/Conduct Policies PDF Print E-mail

The school uses various means of defining and clarifying the expected conduct of students.  A system of academic and non-academic counseling is provided to prevent violation of regulations essential in the educational development of students.

The teachers and administration at NLCA believe that an atmosphere of quiet and order is essential if learning is to take place.  All students are expected to contribute to such an atmosphere through appropriate behavior. This plan is applicable on the school premises, during any school activity, function, or event on or off school property.

We believe all children can learn when provided the appropriate teaching-learning school environment.  A safe and orderly environment must be maintained to insure that all students attain their highest levels of achievement.  Our school discipline policy affords every student the opportunity to manage his or her own behavior.

School wide rules are:

  1. Students raise their hands to speak.
  2. Students obtain permission to leave assigned work area.
  3. Students attend to assigned tasks.
  4. Students respect classmates.
  5. Students respect school employees.
  6. Students respect the building and school grounds.


To encourage students to follow the rules, we will reinforce appropriate behavior with:

  1. Recognition of good behavior.
  2. Praise
  3. Certificates of accomplishments.


If a student chooses to break a rule:

1st Infraction: Warning
2nd Infraction: Loss of privilege
3rd Infraction: Parent contact, loss of privilege, additional assignments
4th Infraction: Suspension (in school, rest of day, or out of school).

As a student at NLCA, students are expected at all times to show respect for order, morality, and the rights of others, and to exemplify in daily living a high sense of personal honor and integrity.  The following offenses are considered extremely serious and may result in immediate expulsion (regardless of the student’s age) from school as well as being reported to the proper local authorities:

  1. The public use of profanity and abusive language is prohibited.
  2. The use of cigarettes is prohibited.
  3. Alcoholic beverages or any illegal drugs are prohibited*.
  4. Assault whether verbal or physical, on another student is prohibited*.
  5. Assault on school personnel*.
  6. Sexual offense*.
  7. Sexual assault*.
  8. Taking indecent liberties with a minor*.
  9. Weapons of any type on campus are prohibited*.

*The school principal will report to local law enforcement immediately.

Teachers will review the policies with their students and provide the parents with a copy.  Teachers will communicate frequently with parents to keep them abreast of their child’s progress.



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